Friday, September 12, 2014

Play the Compassion Games 9/11-9/21 - Join the International Kindness Team


You are just who we need. Are you ready to become a Secret Agent of Compassion? Join the International Kindness Team (IKT) and prepare to make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.

Badge in Hand

To The Secret Agents of Compassion:

There is a powerful antidote to counteract the hate, violence, and negative consequences that plague our global community. This highly potent antidote is called COMPASSION and it exists within you.

As part of the 2014 Compassion Games, the International Kindness Team is gathering Secret Agents from around the globe to take part in an effort to inconspicuously inoculate citizens everywhere with this antidote.

Beginning September 11th and continuing for 11 consecutive days, Secret Agents will engage in acts of compassion, kindness, and good will to spread joy, love and positivity around our planet – thus neutralizing the harmful effects of negativity while creating a global community that tips the scales towards kindness.

You have been selected to join this critical team of Secret Agents.

Secret Agent of Compassion
 Mission 001 - Sept 11, 2014

Good Morning Agents!

We have learned of a powerful antidote to counteract the hate, violence, and negativity plaguing the global community. This highly potent antidote is called COMPASSION and it exists within you.

Your first mission, should you choose to accept it, is to spread this antidote today by demonstrating compassion for strangers. These are people you typically pass by, maybe even ignore, as you go on with your day. Instead, your job is to think of everyone as your friend. Smile at people, hold doors open, let folks go in front of you. If you can, use your sense of self to decide how to complete at least one act of compassion that requires a tiny bit of additional work on your part.

Should your actions or those of any of the International Kindness Team be exposed, it will increase the positive ripple effect of creating more kindness in the world. Thus, we at IKT HQ request that you report your activities on the Compassion Map.

Good luck, agents.

Pinwheels for Pepper's Ranch
Trees to plant home

Secret Agent of Compassion
 Mission 002 - Sept 12, 2014

Good Morning Agents!

There is a children's song with the refrain, "Love is something that if you give it away, you end up having more."

The same holds true with the antidote to negativity, the COMPASSION that exists within you. As we hope you experienced yesterday, when you released the antidote you discovered that you weren't depleting your supply. You actually were increasing it!
Today's mission, should you choose to accept it, is to choose one of your acquaintances and perform an act of kindness for her/him. Acquaintances are people who exist in our lives somewhere between friend and stranger. We know of these people. We just don't KNOW them. Maybe this person is your letter carrier, a grocery clerk, or a neighbor you don't know well. Consider doing something for this person that you would like being done for you should the roles be reversed.

In celebrating one acquaintance, we celebrate all of our acquaintances. In celebrating all of our acquaintances, we celebrate everyone.

Should your actions or those of any of the International Kindness Team be exposed, it will increase the positive ripple effect of creating more kindness in the world. Thus, we at IKT HQ request that you report your activities on the Compassion Map.

Good luck, agents.

PS -- This mission can be viewed at the IKT HQ website.

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